Content team

From Hydromodel SA Wiki
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We hope this wiki site will be a 'living resource' in which the user community contributes to it's development and keeps the content up to date. To participate in this, you can give input on 'Discussion pages' (see instructions here)

Founding project team

This wiki was started in 2021 and the initial content was created by the project team for the “Critical catchment model inter-comparison and model use guidance development” project (2019-2021) and the "Modelling uncertainty and reliability for water resource assessment in South Africa" project (2022-2023), funded by the South African Water Research Commission (WRC):

Alanna Rebelo - researcher, Agricultural Research Council & Stellenbosch University

David Gwapedza - post doctoral researcher, Rhodes University

Faith Jumbi - post doctoral researcher, SAEON

Julia Glenday - research associate, SAEON & Rhodes University

Jane Tanner - hydrology research head, Rhodes University

Peni Metho - junior hydrologist, Zutari consulting

Petra Holden - post doctoral researcher, University of Cape Town

Shaeden Gokool - post doctoral researcher, University of KwaZulu-Natal

Volunteer content moderators (2023)

Several members of the hydrological modelling community assist in maintaining this site on a volunteer basis. This includes periodically reviewing user input on the 'Discussion' pages to inform updates to the main content pages. 

Julia Glenday - research associate, SAEON & Rhodes University