Applying tools in specific use cases
IAP & afforestation
Riparian zones
The definition of wetland representation and an outline of the fundamental wetland descriptions which differentiate wetlands in modelling tools is presented in the wetlands page.
This section provides a summary of how the various tools represent irrigation from different sources. A detailed description of irrigation representation is found here.
Irrigation from groundwater
● Pitman tools & ACRU: Do not include irrigation from groundwater. ACRU does not include any groundwater withdrawal. Work-arounds in the Pitman tools do not allow for dynamic curtailment of irrigation when groundwater supplies are low.
Irrigation from reservoirs
● MIKE-SHE appears not to include irrigation from storage reservoirs, only runoff river and groundwater
Irrigation from multiple sources
● Pitman tools, ACRU, & SWAT only allow an irrigated area to be irrigated from one source, while MIKE-SHE allows multiple sources to be drawn upon in sequence to meet demands.