Data sources

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Revision as of 09:29, 23 July 2021 by Alanna Rebelo (talk | contribs)
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Reservoir data

Groundwater levels


Geological maps

Land cover maps

  • National landcover

2020 South African National Landcover Data and the CALC system ( 2014 South African National Land-Cover (

  • Western Cape

Provincial: 2013/2014 Western Cape Landcover product ( Dataset: Rebelo, A., and Holden, P. 2020. Mapping land-use/land-cover in strategic water source areas in the Upper Berg and Breede Catchments ( Dataset: Holden, P., and Rebelo A. 2019. Mapping Invasive Alien Trees in strategic water source areas in the Berg and Breede Catchments (

  • KwaZulu-Natal

Dataset: Rebelo, A.J., S. Gokool, and P. B. Holden 2021. Mapping Invasive Alien Trees and Shrubs in strategic water source areas in the uMngeni Catchment (