Water balance outputs across tools

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Revision as of 22:54, 27 April 2021 by Julia Glenday (talk | contribs)
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Flux or storage Tool output and/or calculation approach
WRSM (Sami GW) SPATSIM (Hughes GW) ACRU (ACRU4) SWAT (ArcSWAT2012) MIKE-SHE semi-distributed MIKE-SHE fully distributed
AET total
Output (Y/N) no* no* no* no* yes yes
calculate: long term ave: precip. - runoff – Δ soil storage - Δ GW storage (not monthly due to lags) calculate: ET output (includes canopy interception) + AET from GW (external calculation) calculate: canopy evap. + AET from soil calculate: AET from soil + AET from GW (includes evaporation from surface ponding)
Output scale (runoff module) (subcatchment) (HRU) (HRU) grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
Canopy int. evaporation
Output (Y/N) no# yes yes no yes yes
Output scale subcatchment HRU grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
AET from soil
Output (Y/N) no # yes yes yes yes * yes *
Output scale subcatchment HRU HRU, subcatchment, & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
AET from GW
Output (Y/N) no # no (n/a) yes yes yes *
calculate: algorithm (‘Revap’)
Output scale subcatchment HRU subcatchment aquifer & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment, aquifer layer or all
Runoff (RO) total
Output (Y/N) yes yes yes yes yes yes
Output scale runoff module & route (any scale) subcatchment HRU, subcatchment, & catchment. HRU, subcatchment, & catchment river cross section river cross section
Surface runoff
Output (Y/N) no ** yes no yes yes * yes *
calculate: RO total – interflow – aquifer RO calculate: “Quickflow” – “DelayedStormflow”
Output scale runoff module subcatchment HRU HRU, subcatchment, & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
Output (Y/N) yes yes yes % yes yes yes *
(‘soil moisture runoff’) (‘DelayedStormflow’) (‘Lateral Q’) (saturated zone upper layer)
Output scale runoff module subcatchment HRU HRU, subcatchment, & catchment. subcatchment interflow reservoir grid cell, polygon, catchment
Aquifer to channel
Output (Y/N) yes yes yes yes yes yes *
Output scale runoff module subcatchment HRU & subcatchment HRU, subcatchment, & catchment. subcatchment aquifer & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment, aquifer layer or all
Aquifer GW flow in/out
Output (Y/N) no yes no no no yes *
Output scale subcatchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
Soil profile storage
Output (Y/N) yes yes yes yes yes * yes *
Output scale runoff module subcatchment soil layer in HRU HRU, subcatchment, & catchment. grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
Aquifer storage
Output (Y/N) yes no # yes yes yes yes *
Output scale runoff module HRU HRU & subcatchment subcatchment aquifer & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment, aquifer layer or all
Percolation out of soil storage
Output (Y/N) yes yes yes yes yes * yes *
(‘total recharge’) (same as recharge) (same as recharge)
Output scale runoff module subcatchment HRU HRU, subcatchment, & catchment. grid cell, polygon, catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment
Aquifer recharge
Output (Y/N) yes (‘aquifer recharge’) yes yes yes yes yes *
( ‘SaturatedFlow’ B horizon + ‘UnsaturatedFlow’ if option to include is selected)
Output scale runoff module subcatchment HRU HRU & subcatchment subcatchment aquifer & catchment grid cell, polygon, catchment, aquifer layer or all