Modelling tool capability overview

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Revision as of 13:23, 27 April 2021 by Julia Glenday (talk | contribs)
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Characteristic WRSM-Pitman SPATSIM Pitman ACRU SWAT MIKE-SHE
Developed in South Africa yes yes yes no no
Intended spatial scale (catchment or model area) Local to regional: no suggested min-max model size Local to regional: 10-10,000’s of km2, more typical: 100-1,000’s km2 Field to regional: no suggested min-max model size Field to regional: no suggested min-max model size Field to regional: no suggested min-max model size
Spatial discretisation Modules (runoff (subcat), special areas, channel, reservoir) + routes Subcatchments + limited internal sub-area types HRUs within subcatchments HRUs within subcatchments Fully distributed (gridded) OR combinations of grids and zones for different process calculations within subcatchments (if align all process zones, would act like HRUs)
Subcat < 1,000 km2 Subcat 5-50 km2; HRUs < 30km2
Timestep Monthly* Monthly* Daily Daily, subdaily Daily, subdaily,
Intended modelling applications (as documented)
Water balance estimation yes yes yes yes yes
Design hydrology (flood peaks) yes yes yes
Supply planning (general) yes yes yes yes yes
Reservoir yield yes yes yes yes yes
Irrigation planning yes yes yes yes
Groundwater recharge yes yes yes yes yes
Groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions & pumping impacts yes yes yes
Land cover change impacts yes yes yes yes yes
Climate change impacts yes yes yes yes yes
Application limitations (as documented) Not for peak flow, flood assessment, design hydrology Not for peak flow, flood assessment, design hydrology Not represent deep GW processes - not for GW pumping impact Not represent deep GW processes (None listed in documentation for system as whole, only for certain process options within it. The many options do steepen the learning curve for use.)
Specific development focuses particular to tool Flexible network for tracking managed system transfers, GW-SW interaction, IAP & plantation forestry water use Parsimony, Uncertainty assessment, GW-SW interaction Land cover type representation, crop & irrigation detail, IAP & plantation forestry water use Land cover type representation, crop & irrigation detail, coupling to GIS tools Spatial discretisation & fine scale processes, GW-SW interaction, coupled hydraulic channel model & flooding processes