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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
14:13, 23 April 2021 Kouga weir resize.JPG (file) 399 KB Julia Glenday Weir on Wabooms River, Kouga (photo: J.Glenday) 1
14:21, 23 April 2021 Modelled vs observed flow demo.jpg (file) 937 KB Julia Glenday Demonstration plot comparing modelled streamflow to observed streamflow 1
14:24, 23 April 2021 Conceptual model diagram bucket style.jpg (file) 69 KB Julia Glenday Demonstration of a conceptual model of flow through a catchment separating topographic zones with canopy, surface, and soils storages while using a lumped representation of groundwater 1
11:35, 7 June 2021 MIKE-SHE algorithm options.jpg (file) 115 KB Julia Glenday   1
12:42, 7 June 2021 Water flow pathways between the wetland and the river or catchment.jpg (file) 102 KB Peni Metho   1
12:48, 7 June 2021 Vertical and horizontal, uni- and bi-directional water flow pathways between the wetland and groudnwater.jpg (file) 104 KB Peni Metho   1
13:02, 7 June 2021 Img updated WB wrsm-pitman.jpg (file) 209 KB Peni Metho   1
13:11, 7 June 2021 Img updated WB SPATSIM-pitman.jpg (file) 253 KB Peni Metho   1
13:23, 7 June 2021 Img updated WB acru.jpg (file) 170 KB Peni Metho   1
13:24, 7 June 2021 Img updated WB swat.jpg (file) 210 KB Peni Metho   1
13:26, 7 June 2021 Img updated WB mike-she.jpg (file) 154 KB Peni Metho   1
15:49, 7 June 2021 Subcat delin Schulze 1995.jpg (file) 15 KB Julia Glenday   1
18:35, 7 June 2021 SPATSIM subcat & GW.jpg (file) 84 KB Julia Glenday   1
20:40, 7 June 2021 WRSM network demo.jpg (file) 99 KB Julia Glenday   1
21:54, 7 June 2021 ACRU subcat HRU.jpg (file) 72 KB Julia Glenday   1
22:41, 7 June 2021 ACRU HRU process.jpg (file) 105 KB Julia Glenday   1
09:21, 8 June 2021 Parallel vs series routing.jpg (file) 57 KB Julia Glenday   1
10:26, 8 June 2021 MIKE fully distributed.jpg (file) 77 KB Julia Glenday   1
11:19, 8 June 2021 MIKE LR interflow.jpg (file) 95 KB Julia Glenday   1
12:01, 24 November 2023 Glenday et al 2021 K5-2927 Catchment model intercomparison Final Report.pdf (file) 6.24 MB Julia Glenday Model intercomparison project final report 1
10:22, 4 December 2023 Stack Exchange Guidelines for hydro modelling support.pdf (file) 736 KB Julia Glenday Guidelines for using Stack Exchange Earth Sciences question & answer online platform to find and to provide support for hydrological modelling (e.g., how to log-in, ask and answer questions, look for existing Q&A strings, use appropriate tags, etc.) 1